I have made a lot of threads about choosing a ski thats right for me but i just recently found skis fairly cheap that seem to be very hard to choose from. First of all, i am wanting to get into park as i havent really even stepped foot into the park. I am 6'2 and 215 lbs. I am very good on groomers, and i can even ride switch and make turns pretty easily. Here are the skis i can choose from:
K2 Recoil 179 for 340 dollars.
K2 Domain 179 for 360 dollars.
Armada Ar7 181 for 375 dollars.
Armada Halo 182 for 393 dollars.
Also, i currently ride a 169 k2 extreme from a couple years ago, and i deffinately wanted something longer. I would still use the ski i have now, but for crappy days maybe, or maybe when im doing no park at all, but i should be able to get around fine on these skis on the groomers. +++++k for any help on making a decision. Thanks!