So, I was at this party and this girl was all like "No politicians going to make laws about my uterus,"
and this guy was like,
"But it's a living breathing thing with a soul!"
and this other girl was like
"No we don't have souls we are personalities are a combination of genetics neuronal pathways formed through socialization"
and this guy was like
"Let's just medicate everyone than"
and this other girl was like
"No big pharmaceuticals is just capitalist bullshit"
and this dog was like
"No read Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand capitalism works."
and this cat was like
"But what about the military industrial complex and the quagmire wars we've been getting to overseas?"
and this other cat was like
"We need to defend freedom with an iron fist."
and this other dog was like
"Freedom's just a word man."
and this dude was like
"Fuck police brutality viva la revolucion! che guvaraa blah blah"
and this mom was like
"I bought you that Che t-shirt at the gap."
And her husband was like
"You better not be gay son"
and his son was like
"It's not a choice it's genetics."
and the first people were like
"We already covered that."
and this dude was like
"There are just too many people we are like, so overpopulated and shit."
And then some dude said something about Nietszche and everyone's dicks got hard.
And than i cam home and was like