I just go to my local tea shop to get it. they usually have different kinds every time i go in. the kind i have now is aiya, look it up. its pretty good, any overly expensive high grade matcha should be a good bet. or just look on a forum or something.
how you prepare it is pretty huge. you definitely want a bamboo wisk and a matcha bowl. those help a ton. make sure to get the water up to 170-180, definitely not over, i usually like to be closer to 170, maybe even 165-170. if you go too hot it tastes bitter. put two bamboo scoops of matcha, add just a little water just to mix the matcha and water and get rid of the clumps, then add the rest of the water. about 3 "gulp" fulls. you dont wanna do a whole lot. start by mixing in circles till it gets a little frothy then start going back and forth faster and faster, get it frothy as fuck, the frothier the better.
took me awhile to start getting it right, so start off there and you are really close.