In another post I mention a friend that OD'd and how I think we should continue to fight the war on drugs. Here is what the piece of shit D-Loc had to say
D-Loc Wrote:
oh and ur comment about ur friend dying and the WOD.... did ur friend take the stuff? did he buy it? did he OD? yes he did everything himself. that his problem buddy, if u knew about his drug problem why not help him. drugs are a mind game with yuo can handle it or you cant. your friend could not so he should not have been doing it. im sorry to say but ur friend OD was all his fault noone elses. your friend chose the path of a coke life and
he got what was coming to him in the end.
Look at the comment I highlighted in bold. I had a very good friend die and that is what D-Loc had to say. D-Loc I am posting this to, for the last time, call you out on your stupidity, your ignoranc, your ego, and your narcisistic attitude. I never wish bad luck on anyone but I hope to God you lose your job and sit there broke as a fucking joke. Yes my friend chose to take the drugs but if they weren't here in the first place it would have never have happened. Tell me how it feels when you lose a best friend to drugs, you piece of shit!
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