D-Loc's Text is in Italics
Graves im not bragging i was stating that i volunteer to help out wher most do not. i have my job cuz i worked for it, most do not. you can say that bull shit all you want but until i see you buy it ur all talk.
In my book you were bragging about your job. Boasting about how much you make a year. I have worked for my job too. And I will be buying the company. Trust me on this one. I am the only person in line to buy the company. If I want it, it is mine, GUARANTEED.
ooohhh look at my i can go buy this company too, u think im belive that bs.
Again its not BS. Its the truth. You don't know the situation, so who are you to sit there and judge. Why should I believe you about your job and how much money you make? Huh asshole? Answer that one wise guy. You put your foot in your mouth so often it is not even funny.
that company will not be needed in 10 years so save ur money.
Ya sure it won't be needed in ten years. If my company is not needed in ten years that will mean that the stock market won't be needed in ten years and people wont be buying life, health, disability insurance in ten years. You are one ignorant fuck.
oh great you raised 30,000 so bush can go blow it on killing more people. thats what im for, getting everone killed. man just pull out already and stop fighting.
Ya lets pull out and let a massive civil war erupt. Good call. D-Loc for President in '08.
how is this helping us in anyway? its causeing more descruction than rebuilding the world. so now bush has put us into the worst scenerio ever. we will never be able to leave iraq now. so people will die everyday, american people that dont want to die, will die because you funded bush with another 30G's to blow on ammo. people liek you that help get others killed.
if your sooo for bush get ur ass inlisted and go fucking fight for ur rules and regulations.
i on the other hand will never go to war because i have stated with a group of people to hear me that i am anti-war, no belief in killing what so ever. and by the rules of the US if i feel no hate toward anyone wanting to kill i DO NOT have to be drafted and go to war.
Bush will not reinstate the draft. It is two democrats that want to. Saddam Hussein killed hundreds of thousands of his own citizens. He tortured/beat even more. His soldiers raped women and shot girls in the head for getting pregnant outside of wedlock. Yes Saddam was a great person. We should have left him in power. Lets not forget all the people that 'vanished' under his regime without a trace.
so if ur a bush fan i better see ur ass over in iraq, because thats what ur voting for, so get inlisted. if you dont i pitty you because ur votin bush and hes for a war, an endless war. kerry is atleast here to pull us out and try to rebuild, eventhough i not for either, kerry is the lesser of 2 evils.
Actually my dream job was to be a CIA Clandestine officer. To do that they require a military background. I wanted to enlist and talked to numerous recruiters, all who told me I would never see action because of my medical history. Numerous dislocated shoulders, spina bifida, seizures (fractured my skull and spent a week in the hospital which led to two seizures in my life). I pray for the safe return of our troops on a daily basis. I honor everything they do and I mourn for each one that dies. The 'go enlist' argument is old, empty, and shallow.
I support Bush because I truly believe he is the best man to lead our nation.
nader on the other hand wants to end the 11$ billion + spending a year... thats right in 02 the US spend over $11billion on fighting drugs, yet more people do them than ever haha. why cant that money be put to good use? nader wants to stop the drug war, which does nothing i might add, and make money off regulating the flow around the US... man that ingenious
Nader has done some things that have helped this nation (he implemented car manufacturers to install seat-belts in all of their vehicles). However he gets off his rocker. Anytime someone says that want to stop the war on drugs I want to knock them out hardcore. In February of this year I lost one of my best friends. He OD'd at the age of 32 on coke. So don't sit there and tell me we need to stop the war on drugs. I also know a 21 year old girl that died from the same thing a couple of weeks ago. Why dont you take your ignorant ass and tell their parents that the war on drugs should be stopped and see how they feel. They will likely spit on your face.
Getting it Right In America
Right In America
'Except For Ending Slavery, Facism, Nazism, and Communism War Has Never Solved Anything'
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Bush/Cheney '04