So long story short I went to the local gymnastics center in Steamboat and was tramping working on flips and all and one of this kids there (college-aged, probably went to the community college in town) was slaying, like I mean KILLING it on the tramp. He was pulling dub 10s like it was nothing but right at the end of the night, something went very wrong. He did a backflip, over-rotated, his head somehow went through the springs on the tramp and he hit the back of his hard really hard on concrete. He started to bleed excessively, and convulse, his eyes rolled back in his head. We made a 911 call and the paramedics arrived and took him away. By that point he was still convulsing but screaming in agony.
Everyone send this guy your vibes, thoughts, prayers, whatever it may be because I saw what happened and I know if he is still alive he needs it all right now. So please help him out. It scared me and I can't get it out of my mind. I'm searching for news about him to, so if anyone knows him PM me and let me know what happened.
Thanks for your time. +++++vibes.