This is a very important fact we consider. Something rated higher doesn't mean its better. Most of the time the one with a slightly lower rating but a ton of views is the better picture.
Well 'better' is also a tough one. See the one thing that is very difficult to discern from the voting is whether it is a 'good photo' or a 'photo that people like'.
For instance I think that Daffy photo was super awesome. But its awesome, not necessarily an incredibly artistic photo. We've definitely had a mixture of the two up there.
Personally my intention was to have it made up only of 'good' photos from people who are photographers, but I'm also open to what the people want to see. I dunno, I'm always pretty fascinated by what makes it up there.
We do have to overhaul the ratings system though. I'd say we're about 90% accurate with the photos going up there being the ones that should have, but a few sneak through that there were 'better' ones. I think that will be when it really gets amazing.