Replying to Homework Help!!!!!! +k
Hey NS I need some help with my Latin homework, its present subjunctive active/passive stuff.
Please help!!!
In each group all the verbs except one are in the present subjunctive. Identify that one and then change it to the present subjunctive.
1. veniamus, rogamus, mittamus, videamus (all a's are long in these examples)
2. pacent, collocent, temptent, agent
3. mitteris, conficias, vulnereris, interficiaris
4. persuadeat, audiamur, occupamini, vincantur
5. postulem, ducas, mandaris, relinpuamur
Write all the specified forms in the present subjunctive active and passive.
1. cedere- third singular
2. amare- second plural
3. recipere- first singular
4. retinere- third plural
5. audire- first plural
6. portare- second singular
7. servare- third singular
8. munire- third plural
9. intellegere- second plural
10. movere- first singular
I know this is probably a long shot Latin being a dead language n' all. please if you know any of them even just one would be greatly appreciated. +K to all who contribute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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