its conventional wisdom that a person falling into a black hole will fall through the event horizon of a supermassive black hole and feel that nothing has happened to him.
seeing as the lifespan of black holes is finite approx 10^100 years
and for a person falling in to an enormous black hole whose tital forces
wont kill him as he nears the event horizon, and since he will be
infinitely old compared to the universe before he reaches the event
horizon, wont the black hole, due to hawking radiation/ black hole evaporation and eventual explosion, simply explode in his face once he gets very close to the event horizon?
note as you near the event horizon, you near the speed of light, so if you were on the event horizon, your time will have stopped, while the rest of the universe continued forward in time, meaning the universe would have passed infinitely into the future by the time you reached the event horizon