Was Up NS tryin to make a little extra cash. I got smaller sale but some decent stuff.
1.Buyer pays shipping
2.Paypal only
3.Sale only (unless its something I can't deny)
4.No lowballing
Lets get it started
I got 1 pic but its all I have for the sale. If you want more detailed pictures then just pm if your interested.
First-Di-cuts and regular stickers and good selection. Not a set price. For all of em including shipping $30
Second-Protec Ass and Thigh pads. Maybe $40 dollars can negotiate, Won once 9/10 condition
Third-For all you hockey fans out there, a signed mint condition figurine. Got this signed about 4 years ago and probally worth a lot. $60 gets it but can negotiate on a price
Thanks NS have a good one. If you are interested please reply to this thread.