Colin Cowperthwaite and I embarked on this project in November 2011, committing to it as the only film we would create this trimester. We wanted to create a short film that showed the struggles of a homeless person, and give our viewers a better idea of the true image of homelessness. We put our best effort into this project, and learned a lot through this experience. There were a lot of firsts for us, our first time working with a paid actor, our first time spending this much time on a single project, and our first time having a public screening of our film. It was a lot of fun and an experience that transformed both of us into better and more experienced filmmakers. I guess all the hard work paid off!
Enjoy and feel free to share this with whomever you'd like!
Comments and critiques are greatly appreciated!
Full Credits:
Filmed and Edited by Stephan Chaikovsky
Audio Design by Stephan Chaikovsky
Directed by Colin Cowperthwaite
Screenplay by Stephan Chaikovsky and Colin Cowperthwaite
Acting by Phil Luna
Produced by Gwylym Cano
A Special Thanks to Colorado Academy and Angel Vigil
Filmed with:
Canon EOS 60d: 1080p24
Edited with:
Final Cut Pro 7
Color graded with:
Magic Bullet Looks 2