Only broke my right ring finger.
Got caught in a spinning brake disk on a bike, went around my hand hit the forks and my finger acted as the brake, partially amputated but was sewed back on. My finger nail is pretty weird looking and I don't have much feeling in spots.
Other hand injuries due to my profession(s):
-Tip of right index finger cut off with deli slicer. Bled forever.
-Right thumb slammed in door, nail has never been the same.
-Right ring finger sliced to the bone close to my hand from a broken wine glass. Bled forever.
-Stabbed in the palm of my hand from sledding when I was a kid, couple stitches.
-Tip of left thumb/nail from a chef's knife. Not paying attention at work, sliced it cutting up meats.
-Left middle finger cut to the bone 1/2 way down finger, severed nerves, not much feeling left in the tip. Did that last Thursday.