I am currently a junior in high school and am looking at either transfering out west (prolly to u of u) after 2 years or just getting my masters out there and getting my undergrad here. I would move out right away but I live in PA and Penn State has one of the best mechanical engineering programs in the country (ranked 16 in the country including ivy league). Anyways I was wondering when I move out west what is the best ski area out there? I have been leaning hard towards SLC area but what are the advantages and disadvatages to tahoe, northern cali, oregon, washington, whyoming, montana, colorado, and all the rest. I am talking about overall town and living as well as the skiing. I realize this is personal preference but I was just wondering the pros and cons of all of them in terms of living, job market, eventual place to raise a family, like the whole package. We talk about the ski areas a lot but what is talked about less are these places as a living experience.