D-Loc Wrote:
dude read what i wrote im not saying the goc bombed their own pentagon, im saying that someone, like saddam, shot a missle at the pentagon. now the gov didnt want the us people to know that we were being attacked by a differnt source other than iraqies. so they made the story up that a plane hit the pentagon to make it look as if the iraqies were just taking out another target with a plane.
but in reality someone else shot the missile along with iraw hitting the WTC. do you see what i am saying here, its not aht hard to understand. and it makes perfect sence.
and yeah i hear you that ur friend watched it hit the pentagon, but where is the plane? did it vaporize?
Yes it did vaporize...just like the planes that hit WTC vaporized. Jet fuel burns at amazing heats. Many planes vanish after crashing, leaving nothing but small, burnt, bits and pieces.
The Government has readily admitted that it was not Iraq that attacked us on 9/11, everyone knows it was al-Qaeda so I don't know what you are getting at by suggesting that Saddam fired a missle at the Pentago. Besides, Saddam did not have the range to hit the Eastern Coast of the United States.
Why would the government lie about a plane hitting the building if they wanted to blame another government? If the Gov't wanted to blame Iraq for the Pentagon they would have said Iraq fired a missle at the Pentagon, nothing else. Again if it was a missle what happened to flight 77? Did it get so far off track that if flew over the Bermuda Triangle and vanished there? You'd be better of smoking an edition of NEWSWEEK than pot, maybe you would actually inhale some information.
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