yesterday i was at my local hill skiing with my gaper snowboard friend. He was coming down the side of a jump and some other snowboard kid just fell doing a straight air off a 10 footer. At first i thought the snowboard kid was hurt cuz he was screaming his ass off, but then he got up and went to where my snowboard friend was standing( about 20 ft from him now) The snowboard kid just went absolutely nuts on my friend and then pushed him to the ground. He claimed that my friend got in his way. Thats when i stepped in and told him to chill. He had his fists up saying he was going to knock me out, then he told me about 10 times to the fuck off the hill. I just went down and then once we got to the bottom he just threw his snowboard and started to cry.
the best part about all this is that my gaper snowboard friend was not in his way at all.
ive honestly never seen anyone freakout that bad. Has this happend to you ??or how the fuck do i get this kid to shut up.( rest of the day he trailed behind me really close off any rail or jump that i went on)