I work park crew at a very small resort with a growing park. Working park crew is a very very tough job, because we all love riding and your average park crew member is a much better park rider so we can unintentionally set the hits up to our advantage over a beginning rider. Sometimes, its a matter of us setting everything up on a rebuild and standing at the top of the park to make minor corrections so they can be more accessible to our riders.
As much as we love hitting features and getting paid for riding all day, the number one reason anyone takes a park crew job is for the fulfillment of seeing locals hit your shit and loving it. Every feature that I dig in is my little baby and when you like my baby everyone is happy lol.
At our park though we try setting up features that escalate through the park, we will usually try setting up kinked and barrel rails with urban lips up in the upper section, in the middle of the park usually something creative and at the bottom more beginner features like flat bars and flat boxes.