1. Park Landing and Park jump designs, with rakes or colors, to spice up the parks of all the mountains.
-Arrows, checkers, words etc.
2. Small .25 cent candy/snack handful dispensers on each chairlift on the bar where the map goes and each chairlift has a different snack/candy so each ride you get something to to eat!
-like this but chairlift style:
3. Cameras on the main features and jumps of a ski areas park, with a viewing screen 5 min (or whatever) delay (like at woodward on the foam jump.) for premium viewing.
4. Music/speakers running down the park/ selected runs and people can volunteer music for a day, and there can be a backup playlist going made by different park shredders each week/month etc. Or like a radio broadcasting on mountain.
Yep theres my great ideas.