Replying to Secrets of the "Free World"
i don't know, these are thorey's, and i don't care what your opnion is, i just want to see you state on...
Do you think there ever going to realease a Cure for aids or cancer?
Think of how much money a year is spent on cancer reasearch.... billions, and yet ever scientist is a loser, because, if they did come up with a cure, it would be patitend and SOLD... AMericans pay for heath care Wake Up....
And Phamasutical compaines are the biggest criminals in the world, Who makes money off other people's misery?
Probley your mom and dad kids, if there smart, the stocks to invest in, are Medical, Sucrity, And Property... Welcome to the 21 century...
Great isn't it...?
Do Something...
live by the N.E.R.D
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