Replying to Drinking and driving. Don't do it fuckers!Don't drink and drive. Read please
Okay first before I get on my high horse I've got to give a little background on the situation that killed one kid and left the other one in the ICU. Oh yeah and I'm 21 so I drink occasionally, I was even in a frat for a semester and I really don't have a problem with drinking as long as people keep themselves under control. I think I have a pretty unbiased opinion when looking at this situation.
So I got to college at the glorious University of Idaho which has about 14,000 students. Every year our super shitty football team plays the WSU Cougars who play about 10 miles away in another town. WSU has about 20,000 students. So there is a rivalry between out two schools when they play. So of course everyboby makes the short drive over to the WSU campus way before the game for tailgate parties and all that stuff. There are always tons of people from our school out doing thier thing which is personified by the fact that there are 19 fraternities and 9 sororities on the U of I campus. So there are tons of people around just drunk as fuck and they get even drunker during the game. So of course a bunch of my friends are going over to watch the game and drink themselves silly for 4 hours. At first I wasn't going to go because our team wins about 5% of the time. But I went over to see what my friends were up to before the game. They were sitting around playing drinking games at their apartment just hanging out. I quickly realized that they didn't have a DD and weren't planning on getting one. Also they weren't going to the game for another 2 or 3 hours with plenty of drinking to be done in that time. So being the good guy that I am I decided I'd go to the game if I could track down a ticket. A friend had an extra and so I could go. Of course upon hearing that they now had a driver my friends started drinking whiskey like it was water and by the time we left for the game they were all good and drunk. So we got to the game after the short drive to WSU only seeing one cop car on the way there (fuckers don't have a clue). At the game there were drunk college kids everywhere. You always see all the girls like walking around holding each other up as they stumble around. I saw tons of girls from my ex's sorority being dumb fucks really giving their house a good name. Lots of just dumb shit drunk ass stuff like that. There were lots of people with flasks just getting even drunker as the game went on. The game was a blow out as usual and people were leaving all game long, driving drunk of course. So after the game we headed home driving behind some douche who had to be drunk. I dropped my friends off at there place and quickly left becuase I was so tired of listening to their drunk asses yell all night. I went over to some sober friend's house for a little while and watched a movie then went by the bar for a couple minutes but nothing was doing so I headed home and went to bed. So today in the afternoon my ex girly calls me up. I asked her how she was doing and she said she'd had a rough morning which I figure was because she was hungover since I saw her stumbling around like a fucking retard at the game. But she says that it's because two guys got in a motorcycle accident on campus the night before. They had crashed right nin front of their own fraternity. Two girls who I know and are from my my ex's house walked up on two bodies laying in the street. One had a motorcycle on top of him and the other was about 10 feet away. Both had their skulls in with big pools of blood around their entire bodies. Their faces were so bad that the two girls didn't recognize the guys eventhough they knew them. One of them was gurgling up blood and vomit which he asphixiated on but the paramedics said he would have died either way. The other was also hardly breathing with lots of internal bleeding. The girls helped some people move the motorcycle off the one body and called the ambulance. Another girl came up to help who happened to be one of the guys gilrfriends and of course went histarical. The one who had been ejected and asphixiated was dead before the the paramedics got there. The other one was medivacced up to a better hospital and is now in critical condition and on a life support system. He'll probably be dead in the next 48 hours and if he's not he'll be a vegitable the rest of his life.
The two guys were of course very drunk when they got in the accident. They had borrowed the motorcycle from another friend who was also was very drunk. After he gave his friends the keys he said he was going to go pass out because he didn't want to think about the fact that he had just let his drunk ass friends take his bike. How do you think he feels now. So thanks to the careless ation of many people one guy is dead and another one probably will be. Two girls I know have to deal with the fact that they walked up on what were esentially two dead bodies with faces so mangled they weren't even recognizable. And those girls now have to live with the guilt of knowing that if they would have known what they were doing might have been able to give one of the guys a better chance at living. The guys parents had to get a call this moring from my ex's dad, the dean of students, saying that their kid was dead or dying. And all their friends and family must now deal with the death of some one close to them. The entire campus will I'm sure hear of this within th next couple of days and it will effect everyone of them in some way.
So why do people do it. These people are adults and they are suppose to be responsible. Yet when they drink they suddenly have the resposiblity of a 10 year old. Those two guys could have been anyone of the thousands of people who was drinking at that football game yesterday. There were probably hundreds of drunk drivers on the road yesterday coming to and from that game. It is just such a stupid risk. Just to get drunk for a few hours and have a little extra fun at a football game can cost you or some one close to you their life. I have many friends and aquantences who drink and drive on a weekly basis and I just don't understand why. They could call some one who is sober, like me, that they know will give them a ride home. I haven't been drunk since my birthday 2 months ago and before that I hadn't been drunk since January. And yet my friends were ready to drive on the highway and indanger every person on the road including themselve instead of simlpy asking me for a ride. I don't get it. Be a fucking adult take resposiblity for what you arer doing and make sure you and your friends stay save when you drink.
Don't drink and drive because everntually you or someone you know is gunna get fucked. And when you realize how easily it could have been prevented you are going to feel like shit just like I know a bunch of people on the U of I campus do today and will for many months.
I think rails in general are just a phase. - Anthony Boronowski
You know my steez.
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