I'm just going to throw a bitchy rant in here.
My research writing teacher is flamboyantly gay. I have no problems with people being gay and I fully support their option to do so, but he continuously forces his sexuality onto the class. When we introduced ourselves on the first day this quarter, He had us say our preferred gender prefixes, and our name. Not a hobby or something relevant to the class, just "he and him" or "she and her". Some kid asked him why, and he got all snappy and stared complaining about gender roles. This is completely opposite of what an introductory WRITING class should be. Teach me MLA for the 17th time!
The course itself is all about US-Mexico relations and walls. We read highly biased articles that bash the border, and then he claims they are neutral for two hours. Bitch loves to hear himself think. The border is obviously flawed, but his stance of no border security is idiotic unless every drug and for of immigration is legalized. He isn't a fan of us asserting our own opinions. What a joke.
My other beef is he scored me incredibly low on a well written summary of mine. I'm a sophomore with a 3.9, I know how to write a two page summary.