My dad rented it and i though it would be bad because Justin Timberlake was in it.
It really opened my eyes on this one question Ive been asking myself since.
First off here is the trailer of the movie, if you havent seen it already go ahead and rent it , its really good.
Basically the currency in this movie is time. Some people die because they run out of it. Some people live day by day, others can live forever . Very similar to our system.
Our currency is money.
It is true that on this planet, money is separated unequally, Therefor people die everyday because they cant afford food or basics that keeps you alive. Although some people have enough money to last decades and they will probably die with that money not being spent.
The only reason why this system is in place , to me, if because people need to keep on dying, every second someone dies and someone gives birth, if these people wouldnt die , the planet wouldn't be big enough for everyone.
So what is the system that chooses who needs to die , and who needs to live.
Nobody chooses to be born in a certain place and time, we just are.
Crazy stuff I know. haha, I just though it was a good subject. Comment, lets see what you think !