Well, to be honest with you guys the news articles are getting kind of boring lately. I mean you went from getting 40 or something comments in one, now you have some articles with less than 10.
I know you guys probably have noticed this and from my point of view the problem is the kind of information you are considering as "news". Let me explain myself, when you put new edits dropping as news and then you get redirected to the video itself it makes me think that you are only putting it there because somebody payed you to. A video edit has nothing to do with the news of the skiing world itself in my opinion.
Second reason is that you should make your news more appealing for the crowds, a great example of this is this website:
Surfline is a surf website, very alike newschoolers, but what I found really interesting is their way to present the news. They use a "powerpoint" like system, which is great because of how simple it. This will help you guys to get the attentions from all that people that just view the pictures of the article and dont read anything, to read the actual article. Also it will make the "not soo interesting" news way more interesting and appealing for the reader.
In third place I´d like to add the system for scoring the comments, how does this work?, well pretty easy, I know you guys have been experimenting with the pictures and video scoring system and why not doing the same with the comments in the news, just as reddit or
www.pinkbike.com were you can score the comment so the comment in the highest spot would not be the guy yelling "FIRST", it would the guy who did an interesting/funny/intelligent comment so therefor the comments are not going to be just kids saying something, they will be actually adding something interesting to the news.
In forth place, and let me go off tipic a little bit and comment on the Home page, Its getting really odd, I dont know, kind of uninteresting at all apart from the news. You dropped the "user of the month" box and the "picture of the month" box as it used to be and now you have lots of stuff that I dont think are really that important. I mean the "Upcoming events", the "Park updates" or the "Team updates" are not appealing for me at all, I dont think Ive ever click on one of them before.
So my opinion its to make more "news alike" boxes on the Home page, they could be like "Weather box" like the TGR one which shows the biggest dumps upcoming, also as I mentioned before, keep a "New edits" box too where you can post the coolest edits that you recieve without loosing money, also have an "Interview" box were you can put all the interviews that were articles before, now they are going to be INTERVIEWS and they will stay in that box until there is a new one, so more people is going to read them.
Well thats all I have to say.
BTW I really like what youve done with the website lately, I love the new video section, as well as the picture section, and the new video player. So keep doing new things.
Thanks if you read the whole thing, Bonzalo.