Read the fine print. You can submit a non-permission form signed by yourself and your parents. I believe that your school district is breaking the law if they don't provide such a form.
DO NOT give any personal information to the recruiters, even if they say it is to 'remove your name from their list.' If you've seen Fahrenheit 9/11 you know what I'm talking about.
Also, you supposedly have to register for selective service when you turn 18. This is technically true, but if you believe killing is morally wrong, you can register as a conscientious objector. This has been a viable route since World War II but of course the military says nothing about this because that would mean less cannon fodder for them.
See my website, Common Sense:
I'm an atheist/moralist.
My parents were hippies. Both my grandfathers were Mennonite conscientious objectors in WWII. It's complicated.