Earlier this afternoon, Langely McNeal (USA) was disqualified for wearing a Sarah Burke armband in the women’s Skier X event. Langley had advanced to the finals, before being disqualified. Although reports around the incident are hard to find, it appears as though the French team protested McNeal’s wearing of the armband.
Preliminary reports indicate that the disqualification was due to regulations in Skier X, limiting the clothing an athlete may wear in order to make him/herself more aerodynamic. Although this may have been a Skier X regulatory issue, it appears X Games has been doing its best to mute the incident. Subsequently, the X Games Facebook page has deleted all comments related to the event.
This appears to be an outrageous display of classlessness, even for the French. Please post your support for McNeal below, or let X Games know how you feel via Facebook or Twitter.