L Saga Syrup Jacket, last years lineup. Great condition, not rips or tears. 8.5/10. Little bit of bubbling in some places which happens with all of the jackets from last year. still fully waterproof. 150 OBO


L Cipher Jacket. 9/10. only worn twice I think. Only thing wrong is a little dirt stain on the left cuff that would probably come out in a wash. warmest jacket Ive ever worn. zipper length is 33in I think. $90 OBO

Full Tilt Tongues flex 8. dyed rasta colors and done well, Ive received my compliments on them. They're for a 26-27.5 boot. They're both marked as for the right boot by full tilt, but they made a mistake and one is really for a Left boot- you can tell by the shape of the tongues which is intended for which boot, I've compared to correctly marked tongues to be sure. I will mark with a sharpie which one is supposed to be L if someone wants these. $35 OBO