Don't take this as "tearing you apart", but here's what I thought:
- I didn't like the way you introduced the title - it was like, half a second shot of the ski hill, then the title popped up. it would be better if you slowly faded the title in, and out. also, i don't like that you used "@", it just doesn't look very professional
- your shots were too long - don't have a long intro/run in and long outro/post-hit, because it's somewhat boring to the viewer
- try not to fall so far behind on the jump follows, there were a couple where the subject was lost because they dipped behind the jump because you were too far back
- color correction and grading - not as important, but it looks better, so try to get into that
- why did you put the clip audio in for the shot around 1:46?
- maybe don't ski on the right side of the jump for the follows, because the skier really blends with the trees, you can barely even see what he's doing
- the no audio again at 2:20 just didn't flow with the edit. i see what you wanted to do, i just don't think it worked well where you put it
- find some stabilization
- can't really decide whether the song worked or not. it wasn't good, but it wasn't really bad. so, meh, on the music, you could probably find something better.
otherwise, not too bad. and that list may seem long, but i'm being really picky, so don't take it as i'm just hating on your edit. the crash at the end was gnarly.