Algore, Father Nature himself, admitted before Congress on
3/21/07 that CO2
levels were higher during the last
Ice Age. If CO2 = warming, why was the
last Ice Age, with so much higher levels, so much COOLER? Father Nature also talked about water vapor
being the most prevalent greenhouse gas, and that's the elephant in the
room. If we're really interested in
bringing down this mythical global temperature, why are we ignoring water
vapor? Is it because you can't tax an
The idea that CO2 causes global warming is contradicted by weather
balloons, satellites, atmospheric surveys, ice core samples, and historical
temperature records - in short all scientific data. Even so, volcanoes produce more CO2 each year
than all the factories, planes and SUVs combined. Shockingly, bacteria produce even more than
this; far more than the humans they inhabit.
We're left with no reason to believe in global warming and every reason
for hippies to finally take a bath.