Replying to Your Humble Abode!
As we all know many of us here come from so many backgrounds, yet we all live for the same thing. But as far as living quarters some of us have it worse off than others. So what kind of place do you hang your hat when your not workin' for the man.
Me, I couldn't be working anymore for the man than I am right now, I'm a Marine... But these places they have us set up in are rediculously tiny. I live in a 9x10 foot room, plus a little outcrop for a bathroom, with 2 other guys! It sucks, right now I've got my surfboard, guitar and amp, 27' flatscreen, plus my closet is full of shit I need to be a Military guy, inc'l a gas mask... And I still need to get my ski gear down here, don't know where the fuck that's gonna go, and did I say I got 2 other guys in there. It doesn't help that one likes to bring his girl in there and bump uglies only to have me come in there and see that shit, and the other one has an obsessive thing about moving my shit around even though it isn't in the way of anything. Then once a week we have to clean our rooms in a spotless fashion and have them inspected by the big shots upstairs. I guess we can't have anything out like surfboards etc, but at the same time they cram 3 guys and their stuff in a small ass room and expect us to live in there. Enough bitching, so how great, or shitty are your digs?
'...Smoking's bad, smoking killed my dad. Yeah, he was driving down the highway one day and as he was lighting his cigarette, it blew out the window. So he jumps out the door to save it, and ran himself over. Uh, you mind if I smoke?' -Olie Ollaussen, Ski Bum extraordinaire
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