why can't you prove a god does not exist?
round and round in circles we go.
shit isn't about proving anything. scientists dont need to prove science is true, religious people don't need to prove that god is true. believe what you want to believe so long as it cannot be disproven. sure there are things that are just wrong, but because something isn't confirmed as "right" that doesn't automatically make it "wrong", it just means..... we dont know. could go either way. insert random idea here. works for both science and religion. no evidence of what happens to objects at travelling at light speed? make up ideas. no evidence of what happens after death? make up ideas.
and yes, gravity exists. yes, many things in the physical realm we can be aware of because we experience them with our senses. anything beyond that, we really have no clue about. like why the fuck we need sleep, how dreams work, how life began, how many dimensions there are, what happens after we die. nobody knows, and nobody can prove anything. we all just believe in different shit and have different theories about it. so it's a little pointless to run around saying PROVE IT PROVE IT all day when there's a lot of shit we can't prove, the existence of god or some sort of divine power is one of them.