so I have a pair of fkx 140s that I got at a swap for $75. The were good condition when i bought them, but now one side has both brakes not working and the other has only one working brake. I've been riding them with leashes. I just got new skis that I want to mount them to, but the shop said they wont do it cause there are no brakes. They said the lever of the brakes that touches your heal is one of the contact points of the binding and that it wont release properly without it. However I've been riding them in this condition for probs 40 days and they've been releasing consistently when I need them to. I feel like the shop is just telling me they're broken so ill buy new bindings.
So what should I do?
Bring them to another shop? Try and mount them myself? Are they really not safe to ride and should I be getting new bindings?