I personally think most of the pros are fucking nuts. The level of magnitude some of these tricks are being done are mind blowing. I would never in my right mind even straight air some of these gaps the pros are doing, let alone go inverted or spin. I am not trying to sound harsh, or stir the pot, but are you really surprised? I mean lets face it skiing is dangerous, and combined it with jumps, pipes, rails, cliffs, and avalanches...injuries, and serious injuries are inevitable.
I for one being older now, and having lost a few friends in the past 5 years (not due to skiing), have a new value on life. Life is very short, you never know when your last day is going to be. I still love to ski park and bc, but I now think twice before I do anything, and never hesistate to say no to something if I don't feel comfortable. Look at what happened to Liam Neeson's wife Natasha Richardson. She was in frickin ski school, going at a very very slow speed, fell, bumped her head, and died i believe a day or so later. Her skis never left the snow....Bottom line is if people are going to continue to defy gravity, injuries and even death are a major concern.