This is a tutorial that shows how a boy, his dad and his brother made this setup
What you need by hand is:
Time to build for about 12-16 Hours
Price: around 80$, depends on how much material you have already
Amount of planks: 85 metres (60 if you dont build the stairs) (I didnt, made another solution) (I (OP) used drill with screws instead, much less work for sure)
Tools: Hammers, nails, saw ( electrical is much, MUCH useful) measuring tools, something to draw with, scissors.
Tools: Hammers, nails, saw ( electrical is much, MUCH useful) measuring tools, something to draw with, scissors.
Material: Planks
primarily 5x10 Cm
with some 2x10 planks
13,5 meters of 2x5 planks
Turf / artificial grass
Start by building the drop- in tower
1. Start by making the drop in tower with 5x10 CM planks
Step 2
When you've done that, nail the top with 3 planks in the center and nail it to a 1x1.10 meter plank. ( i just used random planks and nailed the turf over at the end)
Step 3
Now your gonna start building the ramp for your drop in. place two 3.6 meter planks as shown below
Step 4
When thats done, make some supporting pillars
Step 5
Now you're gonna make the curve, you can customize this as you want, make it how you want it, but heres what i did:
Step 6
When the curve shape is finished, start making the jump, with as much kick you need for your rail / how you want it
Step 7
Now curve the jump so it will be smooth to ride on
Step 8
(no pics :( ) Now nail planks through the entire inrun, close enough to eachother so you wont catch an edge. Then you make some support planks for your first tower contruction by nailing planks to each pillar.
Step 10 (step 9 is up there)
When you've done all of this, saw off the sides of the ramp, so that the ramp is straight (ignore this step if you use turf only on the top, and not around the sides of the ramp) Tie a string to the top of the ramp like shown, so you make sure everything is straight. Then saw the excess edges off.
Step 11
Put the turf on as you'd like, and nail it to the wood.
Step 12
Now your drop in is almost ready! nail some planks to the sides of the turf so its more pleasant to look at. (You can also see what i meant earlier by supporting your first tower in this pic)
If you wanna make a ladder as shown below, keep watching.
Step 1
Just follow these steps which are kinda in the pics
Anything else, PM me or comment, good luck.