My friend had one last year and I personally hated it. But I have an enormous bias against vaporizers I just hate them all except volacanoes.
But to be as un-biased as I can when I used it, yes I did get high but not very. You had to heat it like a normal pipe and sucking in all the butane wasn't fun and the first few hits, weren't really hits because it took time to heat up and vaporize the weed. It would burn my lips inhaling the hot air so close to your face. Like normal vapes have the tube or bag that helps cool down the heat of the vapor but this is just heat that you're inhaling. So you'd burn your lips. also the rim of where you put the flame would heat up real fast and being stoned sometimes you'd touch it and burn yourself. But that was just being dumb. A good thing about it was when you did finally get a hit it tasted and smelt like popcorn more or less. And you can do it in a dorm room very inconspicuously and not worry about getting busted.
I didn't like it but my friend who owned it said at night he'd hit it alone and i'm sure if you were loading personal bowls with it you'd get a nice high off of it.
Again i really don't like vapes or pieces in general i like papers and blunts. Bong bowls and pipe bowls are obviously great but i will never buy one.
Hope this helped a little bit.