I feel like this relates to the whole "fuck da police" theme that runs around a lot. One video of a few, select people of an organization (military, police, whatever) doing something that is deemed wrong, and suddenly everyone associated with that group are exactly the same.
"Typical Americans" Fuck off. Hitler killed a shit ton of people, so obviously every German is a psycho nut job, right? No. Quit being ignorant.
Yes, this act might be deemed as wrong, seeing as how being in the military is "your job" and you are supposed to act accordingly, but then again they are also in war, something I, nor most of you reading this will ever experience. It's pretty easy to bitch about how wrong some people are while you sit on you ass at a computer, while never stopping to think about what kind of situation they are in.
Don't stereotype all americans simply because you saw one video where some americans were acting "wrongly."
Just like the police issue, the amount of videos showing the group doing things deemed as "wrong" will greatly outweigh the videos of them acting "right" simply because who wants to watch someone doing their job correctly.
Take some time to think about stuff before you make such rash claims.
And on a final note, OP you are a fucktard.