God dammit, girls are soooooo fucking hot. I mean seriously, think about it. I sit down and watch Tv and when Sarah Jessica Parker comes on and shakes her fine hips at me, I have to get up out of my seat and just say ' fuck...girl's are sooo hot.' And it's not even in a horny, sense, I promise. That's different. This is just like mind blowing. I mean, jesus. There's nothing like looking at a beautiful woman. It's the most beautiful thing you could ever look at.
Take the pelvis bone. You guys know what i'm taking about. I'm talking about that point on the hips. The way you can see that bone on either side when a girl is wearing a low pair of jeans or a bathing suit. I mean, just that is enough to drive me out of my mind.
How about that space above the but? You guys know what I'm talking about, the bending down to pick up the ball at mini golf and the shirt comes up whoa bam what just happened that's the sexiest thing crap why is she standing back up one. I mean that little space where it's not back, but it's not butt. It's just nice. And there are two little indents. Those are nice.
But like what about the colar bone? One of those sweet, inoocent colar bones can leave me dazed for days, possibly even weeks, just kinda wondering what to do next. I mean nothing really comes close to saying beautiful than the colar bone.
I could go on for ever with those little pieces of hair and noses, little feets, and stomachs. I just don't know how to say other than ' Girls are fucking hot.'
- Patrick·patproductions.com
Looks like rain to me.