So right now my options are. Drop out and work at the resorts until my hearts content then try to find work for a high school graduate when i'm in my mid 30's or transfer to a school in california where I receive in state tuition and get a college degree.
I don't want an argument on what I should do. That was just background explaining where I am at.
This is where I need some information from the kids In california on NS.
What are some colleges/universities close to mountains in california?
I am not looking for community colleges. only like 4 year programs.
I know of sierra nevada college but that's private and about 42,000 a year. Which, unfortunately, is a no go.
I have applied to ucsb, ucla, berkley, ucsc, and cal poly. just as options for schools. I believe ucsc and berkley are about three to three and a half hours from tahoe.
I heard that fresno state is near sierra summit (not 100% thats the name but i just heard that its near a mountain) is it worth applying there?
so do any of you guys know of any colleges near tahoe or mammoth. or at least within an hour or hour and a half drive of the mountains?
Closer to mammoth would be prime as fuck, but anything is good anything at all.
Colorado has mountain colleges, does california have a mountain college system?
Any insight to help my situation will be really appreciated. Gracias Hombres