if you not having fun your not doing it right. wtf.. that is the idea that i hate. i have never felt farther away from people then i did there. this expectation of how you should release yourself. and this false idea of an utiopian bubble for a week. its just a giant escape nothing more nothing less. sure there is alot of self exploration that goes on in there. but its a farce. its not real. it brought out the worst in me. and maybe thats who the fuck i am. i may just be a sociopath that wants to kill and i have to live with that. but i left after the third day. walked out and hitched back to Oregon. that experiences was more earthly to me then being around so many people who are just trying to get fucked up. and yes i know there are people who were not getting fucked up.
for some reason it brings out the worst in me. and maybe that is just who i am. if it is all about being in touch with humanity i guess im the fucked one.
and the desert sucks. so fucking dry and hot. i got sunburned. there was to many different human mind waves going around. and i hated it.
thats why it sucked. so do not give me this . "YOU ARE NOT DOING IT RIGHT SHIT".