Didn't know what to put in the thread title. People are forcing me out even though I just signed a new written lease
So I work park crew at mountains in the winter. This was my 6th year doing it, worked at different resort at different point though. So I move to nh to work at a mountain. Other than this being a shit winter, things were going fine. On jan(last sun) first I fell in the park and shattered my clavicle, on thursday I got surgery to put in a plate and some screws to piece everything back together. Unfortunately 1/2/2012 was the day my roomates fam(who own the place) were coming to visit till thursday. It was amazing how much buzzkillington can be in one family. I was hoping for the little things like getting hired back at the mountain in another department, and maybe riding a few weeks in april(setting pretty reasonable goals i though) The whole few days they were visiting I got nothing but buzzkillness from them.
You have to be reasonable, surgery is serious, your arm is going to fall off, youll never snowboard again,"if you were my son I'd tell you, you were coming home and you were staying there end of story". The exaggeration part was actually real small. these people were shitting mass vibes on me the whole few days before my surgery = awesome when 2 of the thing that make me happy(building and riding) arent going to happen for a long time. Also just the fact that my shoulder was fucked and i was going to have surgery, didnt need people raining on my parade. My roomates been cool though, never had any problems with him, we got along fine. Even he soaked up his dads buzzkillness and dropped the rain on me though. I mean shit, even if I was hoping for a lot give me a little hope to go into surgery with you know? I had enough to be depressed about. I was feeling real deep this fall and just couldnt wait to have a rake in my hand/ take some hot laps. So obviously the situation already had me down but I was doing pretty well being positive till 2 days into their stay when they really started to wear me down. It's just sort of retarded that I wasn't even hoping for wings, a pink unicorn, or shit like that but just a couple weeks of riding at the end of the season which at the least seems pretty fucking achievable.
Anyway, being responsible, I talked with all the parties. hospital doctor was saying 5-10 days after surgery if it went well, mountain was saying they def would put me back in rotation with a diffe4rent position since my arm is worthless at the moment. So I end up signing a new lease with his parents to ensure they dont get screwed. It is a bitch to find people mid season so I understand they wanted to protect themselves even though it was nice that they really didnt care about me.
So the surgery went well, i came back to ny with my parents to recover. I've stayed up with all parties. just talked to the human resources department yesterday to 100% make sure they would hire me into something. Called the mountain to make sure it looked damn good that i could work.( i mean we're talking jobs like checking tickets where i don't nee a right arm. So according to the lease I needed to pay them 350 by tuesday to come back.We just signed this lease wed afternoon so this was after everything but the surgery. I felt comfortable enough singing it because I plan on working out the season and finding another place in jan will be a bitch, not to mention i'd rather just live where i've been living. So I tried my roomates mom yesterday no answer no call back. Got his dads number and gave him a call today.
Basically just saying that I still planned to follow the lease and wanted to know his preferred form of receiving the money so I could get it to him in the best fashion by tuesday. My read on the guy was right, him and his wife dont want me living there now. And he's not allowing me to pay the money and move back in. I think he thinks hes helping me to some extent beyond just being a dick. I mean I signed a fucking lease that they wrote up and put plenty of thought into and that was wed, knowing the current situation about everything. the only thing that changed was the surgery which went as good as it could have which should have put things in a better state. And the lease protects them from me trying to fuck them over and not pay say the agreement was different or anything, I dont see the problem. Then they dont have to worry about the surgery being a train wreck and what might happen. So he'll owe me 100$ more from my deposit and send that out tomorrow, that wont help me really. I'm going to have to find a totally new place to live mid season `and get moved into another situation if i can even find a place that will let me rent just till the end of march or even april if they need. Only 4 months at the longest and really just 3 unless the place wont let me do less than 4.
So basically I have a fresh lease that these people drew up knowing the situation and I signed. Now they're trying to keep me from moving back in and that will pretty much fuck me having a job for the next few months.
Is there anything I can do or are people allowed to just go around agreements however they want when they decide they don't like something?
sparknotes: broke the fuck out of my shoulder had surgery, landlords trying to keep me from coming back even though I just signed a new lease they wrote up on wed which was after my shoulder was mangled. This will fuck me out of a job unless I can find a place to rent for 3 months starting mi season which will be hard. Also this even though I want to get back to work, the mountain wants me back at work in a different position, and the doctors said that i should be getting cleared in a week when I get my stitches out.
I just have no idea where to go with this and fin out info. Am I screwed?