No heated global warming debates here. I think pretty much anyone can agree that it will do no harm for the industry to move towards developing more sustainable products. The only way this will happen though is through our decisions at the ski shop.
Look at the surf industry, there has been an absolute revolution which was driven mainly through the voice of the consumers. If you go on to any surf companies website, there will be a link right up there explaining what the companies are doing for the environment.
I don't really know what i'm trying to get at. What I think would be awesome is if we could collaborate and do some unbiased research on the materials, production and transportation of goods from various ski brands. Then make sure to information out to everyone.
I know a lot of companies use bamboo which is much more sustainable than hardwood. I am wondering about base material as well, I know that wetsuits can now be made from plant-based neoprene. Is there anyone using base materials like this. Also what companies are locally producing skis, and what ones are flying half-way around the world to reach you? This is the kind of stuff we keed to know.