Alright so I got fired from DJing at this nightclub because I blew the speaker.. However, it wasnt even my fault because the sound system was already super fucked up and glitchy from the DJ the night before me. Anyways, thats not really the point...
The point is that while DJing there for the past few months, I've been constantly butting heads with the managers of the place. They are complete dickheads, super miserable, and have had it out for me since day one for no good reason at all. Trust me, they are just bad people who are not positive in the least.
So anyways, I need ideas for fucking with them at the bar when I go there to occassionally party now. I need things that are along the lines of destructive, but I won't get caught. For example, I was thinking that upper decking the toilets in the bathroom would be a good one. So please drop some ideas...