There are four things that you need to get right.
1) Editing. I'm a firm believer in keeping it simple. I like to use regular cuts timed with the beat of the song I'm using, maybe a crossfade when I can't match a cut with the beat. Only one or two fancier editing tricks per edit. For me, the B&E Show is a good example of terrible editing. The skiing is amazing but I hate watching the videos, because there's a cut almost every second and it just feels like the editor is trying to show off his Final Cut skills in every clip.
2) Skiing. You don't have to be the best skier out there. I like seeing creative tricks and I hate seeing repetition. No matter how good your mute 5's are, nobody wants to see ten of them.
3) Filming. Try to find good, interesting angles that still show the action. I hate the shots where the rider disappears behind the knuckle and I have no idea whether the trick was landed. Variation is the key here too. Even if your local park only has two good jumps that you use for filming, you can get many different shots out of them. Come up with a few angles for the jumps and maybe add some follow cam or POV and you've got some variation!
4) Song. In my opinion as long as the song isn't something I've seen in five edits already or super annoying in some way, you're good. If the editing flows well with the song, even better. I love everything about the Austin Torvinen season edit but goddamn that song grinds my gears. I have to watch it muted. This is the easiest mistake to avoid. Don't pick a terrible song. Please also consider whether we really need the 413985th gangsta rap edit.
General advice for filming and editing: especially if you don't really know what you're doing, KEEP IT SIMPLE. Complicated and fancy angles or editing tricks are easy to fuck up. Regular cuts and crossfades are hard to fuck up.