and i did it in illustrator and flash. so i just revealed the logo throughout 68 ai. files using the pen tool in illustrator. then the 69th file i added the black behind the logo.
then i put it in flash and put one ai. file per keyframe in flash. when i got to the 69th frame i just stretched out how long that frame last for so it would show longer!
if you wanna know more about it feel free to pm me! im quite proficient in illustrator, but i only know like 4 things in flash haha. i prob couldve done it all in flash if i was better.
oh and i think the background is speckled like that because i picked a color that the internet cant support. but i took a screenshot of hopes website and used the eyedrop tool to make the background that color so idk why that would be the case. maybe though. moral of the story... fuck you cmyk!