So for Christmas I received Afterdark and I decided since I had already done a Weight review, that I would do one on Level 1's new movie as well. First, I would like to say how wonderfully edited this was. The themes in each segment were awesome and I loved the way they were put together. Great job Level 1. Secondly, each segment was also put together nicely and the song choices were fantastic. I realize some people don't agree with me on that point, but I loved most of them. My favorite segment was without a doubt the Russia segment. It had a quick-paced, fun theme to it and even my mom popped in to watch it and tell me how much she enjoyed it.
All in all, great job this year by everyone in that crew. It was a great movie to watch and I will be re-watching again and again.
By the way, I'll let you guys know next month about the bonus material seeing how much there is ;).