Replying to Cheney: could he be a bigger asshole?
what is this that i hear about him saying that there will be a terrorist attack on the US if Kerry is elected?????
HOLY FUCKING SHIT! how could he say anything more retarded then that? First of all, i want to know how he claims to know such things....a little suspicous in the first place, although im not suggesting anything.... and second of all, becasue i guerentee that he has no significant evidance that he could say such a thing at all, I am simply owundering how he can honestly expect the American population to have a decent reaction to such a ramark. I mean it is unbelevable and completly insane.
If anything i think a terrorist attack is more likley if Bush is re-elected. I mean he cant honestly think that we are scaring the terrorists with our war can he? WE ARE JUST PREVOKING THEM. THESE TERRORISTS BELEVE THAT THEY WILL DIE AND GO TO WHATEVER IT IS THAT THEY CALL THEIR HEAVEN AND BE MET BE A BUNCH OF VERGIN WOMEN, THEY WON'T BE SCARED!!! the reason i say it is more likley is becuase bush if the guy who originally prevoked them atleast in terms of recent times and he has atleast givven these terrorists the biggist excuse to commit an act of terror on the Unites States.
If Cheney truely beleves that (which i honestly dont think he does) he is a HUGE idiot for obveous reasons and if he doesnt beleve it he is also a huge idiot for lieing his ass off and making statments with absoluty no reasoning.
Microsoft Word is smarter then poeple
Hooked on phonix phucked me up
it's obvious, Bush sucks.....
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