I went after Melvs because him laughing at a post proves no point whatsoever. If you want to disagree with me or someone else from the right, that is fine, but don't do so by laughing. Have the gall to offer up a solid argument against my statement. Don't just sit there and laugh.
And I never turned this into a debate about 'morality' (if you read all the posts you would see others did). However, if that is where you want to take it, then be my gues, because the US has the most moral clarity of any nation in the world. Why you may ask? Well look at our depth, our diversity, and our tolerance. No other nation is as diverse as the US. No other nation allows as many immigrants into their lands as the US. No other nation has as many immigrants try to get to their lands as the US (do you think millions of people flock here every year because we suck?). No other nation is as tolerant to a diversity of religions as the US. No other nation is as forward in the womens right movement as the US. As France takes away the right of people to express their religious freedoms (recently passed a law banning any individual from wearing forms of religios expression, and as nations like Iran continue to beat/abuse/rape/murder/degrade their women, go ahead and sit there and tell me that we are morally wrong as a nation, because the FACTS stand behind us and we are years ahead of anyone else.
Anyone that thinks France isnt a problem, needs to pull their heads out of their asses. Are they a threat of war? No, of course not. Are they a foreign affairs problem? Yes, of course they are. There is growing anti-semitism in Iraq and their Gov't is making no significant efforts to halt it (that is why there has been a recent migration of French Jews to Isreal). France was also the primary nation behind the Oil-for-Food-Scandal. If you don't know anything about that, I recommend you sit down and google it to educate yourself. The French are not in Iraq today because many Gov't officials had 'cozied' up to Saddam, and helped him make billions of a 'humanitarian' project while they lined their own pockets with dollar amounts that would make Alex Rodiriguez jealous. France not a problem? Give me a break. They (meaning their Gov't) consistently add to the moral decline of this world, and they have shown no signs of changing. Get Jacque She-Rock out before he does more damage than he already has.
As far as Michael Moore goes...well let's just say that fool deserves a topic of his own.
Getting it Right In America
Right In America
'Except For Ending Slavery, Facism, Nazism, and Communism War Has Never Solved Anything'
Protest Warrior
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Bush/Cheney '04