What's up m&a,
I'm designing and will be developing a website for myself that will act as a portfolio for job/internship applications, my blog would serve to keep people updated on what I'm up to but also to provide tips/feedback, news, and what not for people like me interested in design. I want it to be professional, but creative, unique, and personal. Let me know what you guys think of them (which one you like better, what you would add/remove/change, etc.), but keep in mind they are only early drafts far from complete designs. I just wanted to get some ideas and test out mine with one of the intended audiences (you guys in m&a)
Here's my first comp:
1.It's personal, it's got my skis, helmet, goggles, computer (interest in graphic design), and guitar (I play guitar)
2. It's unique, no container div, but usability is good b/c you've got the title at the top right and nav at the left
Here's my second comp:
1. It follows more traditional guides (container div w/ white background)
2. The way the pictures are set up is unique. They are placeholders for the comp tho so in reality I'm thinking the left would be a (jQuery slider to show featured/new stuff), the right two sections could be a link to my blog and another link to something that will change from time to time.
I haven't really gotten to work on a footer yet b/c I want to get the overall idea of the design down before I go too far with one design. I'm leaning towards the second design. Let me know what you guys think, thanks!