i am thinking that you and i agree that experience is key to being a good driver, real world experiance.
i dont have much i have only been driving for 3 years, so most people have more, but i have had the great opportunity to slide on black ice and it is something that i dont think anyone can be prepared for until you have experienced it. it was pretty scary, i did what i think was the right thing, i let off the gas and applied the brake once i felt traction.
one great things about newer cars is that the brakes dont lock up, for example the new toyota's have an auto pump of the brake once it feels it start to slide, this is great if you are coming to a light and apply the breaks and start sliding as it is supposed to keep you going in a straight line.
there are many encounters that i am sure no one has encountered everything that can go wrong while driving, it is a very dangerous thing, animals can pop out in front of you, pedestrians can do the same, the throttle can stick, your brakes can go out, and so on.
i like to clasify my self as an average driver, i have never caused an accident, i was rear ended once at a stop light, but i am not a great driver and very few are.