Yeah I know this really has nothing to do with skiing. I just thought I might help give you guys some good recipes to help you stay in shape. But since its like 50 degrees outside and sunny :( the only thing I currently have to do with my time is work out and study.... so I started a blog about healthy life called
I just recently spent all day making these videos and putting them onto youtube. I really think that you guys will like the videos. Also if you don't want to watch the videos I put the recipe for the food in the description under the video.
Protein Pineapple UpsideDown Cake
cottage cheese protein parfait
Strawberry Peanutbutter Protein Cake
Healthy Microwave Popcorn
I would really appreciate it if you guys took a look at these links, and gave me your feedback. Please keep the hate to a minimum, because I know my videos aren't really of that professional quality.
Also if you guys would be kind enough to click the ads on my blog, it would give me money and I would give you karma for life! Also inb4 OP is cheap. Yeah I know I want some extra cash for some protein and I need new bindings...
But anyways I hope you enjoy the vids because I put a lot of time into this blog. Also feel free to give comments on the blog because I have other articles and recipes that you guys might be interested in.