Yeah but if you do the same for most companies you'll find the same. I mean even look at apple... the Apple III was a piece of fucking garbage. Windows Vista was horrible. Kia used to make the worst cars known to man. Hyundai made cars so bad they had to create a 10 year warranty when they shaped up. Liberty had a real bad batch of skis at the beginning. Dynastar had troublemakers that exploded. The first Armadas were shoddy... the list is endless if you want to go deep.
I'd bet that almost every company has had a few rough batches of equipment, especially when getting started out. They might have even had some tricky PR, or some trouble answering emails fast enough... starting a business is absolutely not easy. As a matter of fact, its probably one of the hardest things you can do. You make mistakes, and you fix those mistakes.
Shit... here at NS think of how many times we've fallen down on bugs on the site. The key is getting back up and pushing onwards.
FD stuff is great. I've been getting suits for a few years now, and though the older ones were fragile, the newer stuff is fantastic. Sure its not Arcteryx waterproof, but that isn't the idea when you're buying FD.
What I am the most impressed at is their ability to stand in the face of the backlash that now seems to be expected. Though admittedly if you really read between the lines in this thread, there's more people arguing about the shitstorm that is going to come than an actual shitstorm. I have a feeling that FD has stood strong and repaired what they're doing. There's always going to be a few angry people out there (I'm positive you could find that for any company) but for the most part they've been pretty responsive.
So lets maybe let this thing go. If you have a legit point to make make it... but just don't talk about the 'shitstorm' before it happens. It can be a self-fulfilling prophecy.