I hope you can read this before you go in.
For the reading section you should read the questions before you read the passage. Some are intuitively obvious and it is possible to skim the passage and get all the answers out of it. This can save you a lot of time for the harder questions.
Have you ever noticed that the science section is nearly impossible to finish? It's built that way for a reason. Don't read the description of the experiment. All of the test answers should be in the graphs and charts. The experiment is irrelevant and is meant to waste your time. If you don't read it, you can actually finish this retarded section.
The math test is scaled by difficulty from easiest to hardest. That means that if an early answer seems very obvious, don't spend time working it out to prove that you are right. If a later answer seems very obvious, something is most likely wrong with your math. Also, try to view the questions spatially or even draw a picture (though this will cost you some time).
English is mostly mechanics. Some people are more comfortable with the workings of their language than others, but everyone has an intuitive sense of what is right and what is wrong. Read the question with each answer in the blank and see which one sounds right. If you're still stuck, whisper them to yourself. Speech uses a different neurological pathway than does silent thought, which gives your brain two chances to spot what is right.